View from Sunset Ridge towards the Pacific
A pair of Turquoise-browed Mot-mots
An internal road through the forest in section 1.
The same road section at dusk: the low-level, downward lighting is designed to minimize disturbance to the rhythms of nocturnal wildlife.
Sunset in El Bosque
Our retaining walls are carefully designed with natural materials and native plants
A Spectacled Owl
Detail of our road paving stones
Detail of our rock retaining walls
A Long-Tailed Manakin
A wide variety of butterflies are prevalent in the meadows of El Bosque
Troupes of Howlers pass through the canopy
A dry season view towards the sea
An electric vehicle makes its way through the forest.
A carpet of yellow flowers from the Cortez Amarillo
We designed our utility covers to be both subtle and beautiful
A howler enjoying one of the best views
A cartoon-like cat claw vine
Cecropia leaves take on many colors throughout their life cycle
The road through section 1 is a combination of paving stones and permeable gravel.
A Cortez Amarillo set against the summer blue sky
A Barred Antshrike
Fiery Heliconia give beautiful shots of color in the forest
Golden hour in green season.